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T.L. Osborn: The Power of Positive Desire (new)

T.L. Osborn: The Power of Positive Desire (new)

Book / 286 Pages

Seven Vital Principles for Unlimited Living

12,15 €

(inkl. 0.00 % MwSt.)



Partnership with God - A Lifestyle of Miracles

God believes in you, values you and esteems you so highly that He created you just a little lower than Himself, then decked your world with every conceivable treasure and beauty for your health, happiness, success and fulfillment. This Book is written to motivate you to reject mediocrity of discovery of your own self-wealth. The result of that spiritual self-wealth in you is as certain to produce physical and material wealth in and around you, as wheat, planted in good soil, is certain to produce wheat. From the moment that you read this book, you will never again think of yourself as ordinary. God has placed in you are vibrant proof that He destines your life for joy and great purpose. Believe it!  -T.L. Osborn

God has gifted each person with a divine power that is unique in creation, the power of desire. This providential, energizing force -when understood - unleashes humanity´s potential for good, and allows the supernatural purpose of God to be expressed in ways that bring healing and hope to a hurting world. The purpose of this book is to activate the positive desire that is within you so that you can experience a greater sense of your connection with God and an inreased awareness of your own potential for good toward others. This book will lift your spirit to a new level of awareness of God, in your THINKING, your BELIEVING and your LIVING. You will discover the untapped resevoir of your own divine potential - your POWER OF POSITIVE DESIRE.  -LaDonna Osborn

THE POWER OF POSITIVE DESIRE is a powerful force inside you.
Your creative energy will be freed, and God will be released in you to materialize his abundant goodness in your life.


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