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T.L. Osborn: Soulwinning (A Living Classic)

T.L. Osborn: Soulwinning (A Living Classic)

Book / 340 Pages
Forewords by Marilyn Hickey & Daniel Kolenda
How to Share God's Love and Life to a World in Despair

18,60 €

(inkl. 0.00 % MwSt.)


How to Share God´s Love and Life to a World in Despair

The Church was born in a blaze of personal soul winning as the mission of Jesus Christ became the mission of every believer. Today, that mandate continues. Yet, when it comes to evangelism, many believers lack the passion or know-how to begin. Soul Winning will help!

This must-read work by renowned evangelist T.L. Osborn will empower you to reach outside the walls of the church where Christians have hibernated too long—out of touch with an unconverted world. Revised and updated for the 21st century by T.L.’s daughter, Dr. LaDonna Osborn, this classic work will…


  • Inspire and equip you to reach the lost
  • Help you break free from apathy and insecurity 
  • Share timeless truths, insights, and practical methods the Osborn family has used around the world
  • Stir ideas in your heart of when, where, how to evangelize
  • Impart the heartbeat of evangelism from someone who carries it

Jesus needs you to become a soul winner. He can only show His love to the lost through Christians who believe in His love enough to tell about it. The whole world is waiting to see Jesus in action through believers like you!




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