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T.L. Osborn: If I were a Woman (new)

T.L. Osborn: If I were a Woman (new)

Slimline-Book / 64 Pages

5,14 €

(inkl. 0.00 % MwSt.)



... I would embrace the good news that any redeemed woman has Christ´s authority to be His witness, His co-worker, and His messenger anywhere and to anyone, privately or publicly- to the uttermost part of the earth.

Every woman on earth has unlimited possibilities in God. Redemption cannot be qualified sexually any more than it can be qualified economically, racially or socially.

Any woman or any man who becomes a new creature in Christ can become His Co-Worker and Representative on any level of private or public ministry to wich she or he feel led or called or inspired by Him to serve.

I have written this book in the hope that these observations will encourage believing women to allow Christ and His word to have full expression through their lives, actually becoming all that God has had in mind for (them) to be. -Rom.5:21LB


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