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T.L. Osborn: Health Renewed

T.L. Osborn: Health Renewed

Slimline-Book / 63 Pages

The Source of Sickness and God´s Redemptive Plan

4,67 €

(inkl. 0%0.00 % MwSt.)



The Source of Sickness and God´s Redemptive Plan

God reveals Himself by His Redemptive name, Jehova-Rapha, translated \"I am the Lord that healeth thee\" or \"I am the Lord your Physician.\" -Exodus15:26

Physical Healing is a Redemptive blessing, paid for on our behalf and in our name when Jesus Christ \"Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses\" Mat.8:17 so that there could never be a doubt about His will to heal us.

One of the most urgent human needs is for physical health.
God provides physical health for you so that you can be your best for Him, for others, and for yourself.
The words of healing expressed in this book can be as alive as God is because HIS WORDS are SPIRIT and they are LIFE. Joh.6:63


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