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Marilyn Neubauer: Instructions from the Great Physician

Marilyn Neubauer: Instructions from the Great Physician

Dr. Marilyn Neubauer - Minibook 42 Pages

3,74 €


INSTRUCTIONS from the Great Physician

When taking medication, it is al ys important to follow instructions. A doctor takes it very seriously when he prescribes medication and from what I have observed, most people are very faithful in following the doctor´s instructions.

God also speaks to us regarding the importance of following His instructions. Sad to say, I have observed that most people are not as faithful in following God´s instructions as they are with man´s instructions as they are with man´s instructions. They do not take God´s instructions seriously. Too often there is more faith in man´s medicine, that in God´s medicine.

... your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. - 1. Corinthians 2:5

We can choose to take God´s medicine, being just as faithful with it as we are with prescription medication. We therefore choose life and health in the Lord.


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