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Lester Sumrall: The dark Hole of World Hunger - and the Christian Solution

Lester Sumrall: The dark Hole of World Hunger - and the Christian Solution

book - 188 pages

6,54 €

(inkl. 0.00 % MwSt.)


The Dark Hole of World Hunger - And the Christian Solution

Much of the world still thinks of hunger as something "out there". It´s distant, far removed from where they are, they can´t identify with it. And because it is so unreal to them, they do Nothing About it. While we in developed countries bask in our creature comforts, every 24 Hours, 35.000 People die as a result of hunger and starvation - 24 every Minute, 18 of whom are Children under Five years of age.

The Facts on world hunger are staggering:

More than one Billion People are chronically hungry.
Every year 13-18 Million People die as a relut of hunger and starvation.
More People have died from hunger in the past several years than were killed in World War 1 and World War 2 combined.
The number of People who die every two days of hunger and starvation is equivalent to the number who were killed instantly by the Hiroshima bomb.

Lester Sumrall, Veteran missionary Statesman, challenges the world´s well-fed People to hear what God said to him in Jerusalem.
In Response to our Lord´s command to "feed the hungry", Dr. Sumrall launched The End-Time Joseph Programm.
This book is a challenge to Readers everywhere to become a part of the solution to World Hunger.


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