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Lester Sumrall: Pioneers of Faith

Lester Sumrall: Pioneers of Faith

book - 200 pages

13,04 €


Pioneers of Faith

From one of today´s Leaders of faith Comes a personal account of the lives and ministries of the men and women who led the twentieth-century outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Learn about the great Leaders of the twentieth century outpouring of the Holy Spirit and how you can be used by God as they were!

The twentieth century has seen the mightiest moves of the Holy Spirit since the Day of Pentecost. Move after move of God has rolled across the earth. Now as this century draws to a close, it is of vital importance that Christians know from where they have come. They Need to know about the "Heroes of the Faith" so they can move Forward with God and carry the Gospel to the Ends of the earth.

In this book, one of today´s great Leaders of faith, Lester Sumrall, writes of his vast experiences and Knowledge of the men and women who began great movements and churches that still exist today. Dr. Sumrall is one of the last "connecting links" with our spiritual Heritage. Now it is time to learn about and from the Living examples of the pioneers of faith and reach the world with the message of Jesus Christ.

Some of the men and women you will read about include:

- Smith Wigglesworth
- F.F. Bosworth
- Howard Carter
- Lillian Trasher
- Lillian Barbara Yeomans
- James Salter
- Finis Dake


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