The Bible is the only source of truth regarding Alien entities - spirit beings under the direct influence of Satan - wich seek to destroy God´s creation, and bring People into Bondage.
Americans know very Little about living in a Nation under strong demonic Oppression, nor have they understood spiritual Warfare.
More and more People today are seeking spiritual experiences apart from God. They enter into the spirit realm through another door - a way other than the way God intended for them. Often they discover to late that they are controlled by the powers of Darkness and that their guidance is demonic.
Jesus Christ is the door to God - the true source of spiritual Knowledge. We can, as Christians, come only through that door.
God has warned us in His Word not to seek Supernatural experiences apart from relationship to Him. It is our Job as Christians to tell People that when they desire spiritual guidance from any source other than the true God, they remove themselves from God´s protection.
God is love. He invites us to come to Him, the Author of life, and be free from the powers of darkness.
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