There has never been a time when People were so eager for the Right answers. This is especially true in the realm of the unseen world of Spirits.
In my travels in over one hundred nations of the world, I have been repeatedly asked Questions regarding
eschatology (the branch of theology dealing with the last or final Things, as death, judgement, immortality, resurrection, etc.)
Often it is a direct Question regarding the reality and the functioning of malevolent, satanic and demon powers.
In many instances I have found the inquiring persons needed answers to some unusual phenomena wich occurred in their community or home.
Some scientists are coming to realize there is a real world of spirit, and they delving into its mysteries at this present time.
Much of our modern civilization is too materialistically minded. To counter-balance this, today´s Christian must possess the positive power of God and be a Living witness to the Spirit of God. It is time for Christians to become acquainted with the unseen world of spirit, both negative and positive.
These Questions and answers are intended to equip the followers of Christ to set individuals, communities or nations free from any Evil force of the devil. - Dr. Lester Sumrall
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