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LaDonna Osborn: Cross-Cultural Communication in a Multicultural Church

LaDonna Osborn: Cross-Cultural Communication in a Multicultural Church

Slimline-Book / 61 Pages

A Model for Progressive Change

5,14 €

(inkl. 0.00 % MwSt.)




Dramatic societal changes of twenty-first century America are impacting the Christian church in ever increasing ways.The cultural diversity of many congregations evidences one of these changes. This book is a brief study and practical guide for any pastor or educator who desires to lead people of diverse cultures to increased participation in Christian ministry.

This book includes a model for progressive change among multicultural groups in a local church through a seven-week course of Bible study. It is my prayer that these insights, ideas and suggestions will be helpful in guiding you into and through the compelling and rewarding journey of cross-cultural communication in your multicultural world.


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