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Kenneth E. Hagin: The Will of God in Prayer

Kenneth E. Hagin: The Will of God in Prayer

K. Hagin Jr.: (PRAYER Volume2) 74 Pages Discovering the Will of God in Prayer Spiritual Growth Series / For Individual or Group study

11,12 €

(inkl. 0.00 % MwSt.)


God´s Word Is His Will! The Bible promises that when we pray according to God´s will, He hears us. But many people pray in vain, because they don´t know what God´s will is. God´s Word is His Will! The Will of God in Prayer explores the Scriptures and instructs believers on how to use the Word of God in prayer. This informative study guide answers such questions as: What is the will of God concerning salvation, healing, and prosperity? What did Jesus, Paul, and other New Testament writes say about prayer? Why is it so important to abide in God´s Word? How can you be confifent that God will hear and answer your prayers? This dynamic 13-lesson study guide is designed for group or personal devotions.


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