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Kenneth E. Hagin: Steps to Answered Prayer

Kenneth E. Hagin: Steps to Answered Prayer

K. Hagin Jr.: (PRAYER Volume1) ,73 Pages Understanding Different Types of Prayers & how they work Spiritual Growth Series / For individual or Group study

11,12 €

(inkl. 0.00 % MwSt.)


If your prayers have gone unanswered, don´t give up hope, because God hears and answers prayer! Rev. Kenneth E.Hagin´s : Steps to Answered Prayer reveals several steps that when faithfully followed in prayer, assure the believer of an answer. This informative study guide answers such question as: -What is the importance of meditating on scriptures that promise the answer you need? -Why should you depend upon the Holy Spirit in your prayer life? -What is the vital role of praise in prayer? -How do you pray and get results? This dynamic 13-lesson study guide is designed for group or personal devotions.


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