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Kenneth E. Hagin: Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage

Kenneth E. Hagin: Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage

Book - 142 Pages Your Marriage can become Heaven on Earth!

12,99 €

(inkl. 0.00 % MwSt.)


Over the years, misunderstandings in the church about marriage, divorce, and remarriage have left people hurt, condemned, and confused. Many have suffered silently, thinking God is mad at them or displeased with them because of past mistakes. But the truth is, our Father God is full goodness and mercy. He is not holding anything against you. Your mistakes or those of others don´t have to keep you from fulfilling His plan for your life. In Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage, Rev. Kenneth E.Hagin offers comfort and help from God´s Word for the single, the married, the divorced, and the remarried. And he clears up common misconceptions that have permeated the Church regarding this important subject.


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