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Gloria Copeland: Put Your Words to Work: A 31-Day Faith Project

Gloria Copeland: Put Your Words to Work: A 31-Day Faith Project

A 31-Day Faith Project Devotional (Paperback Book, 214 pages)

12,99 €

(inkl. 0.00 % MwSt.)


Let’s change our words and change our world together!

In her book Put Your Words to Work: A 31-Day Faith Project.

Speaking right wordsGod's Wordconsistently, brings the power of God onto the scene of your life to save, heal and deliver.

Kenneth and Gloria Copeland heard and received that revelation from God early in their Christian walk, and God is speaking the same thing to you today.

If you want to change your life, change your words. What you say day in and day out is what will come to pass in your life. Your words have the power to set the course for your life. Discover how to consistently speak God's Word and make it your way of life. Find out what He desires for you, and put yourself in agreement with Him. Develop the confidence that your wordsHis Word in your mouthspoken from a heart full of faith will come to pass. Changing your words will change your world. Start today!


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