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Fred Lambert: Priority in Prayer #1 - The Key to Revival

Fred Lambert: Priority in Prayer #1 - The Key to Revival

Fred Lambert - Book 128 Pages

10,28 €

(inkl. 0.00 % MwSt.)


Priority Number One in Prayer.

Every Christian Longs for Revival. We cry out to God for it. We pray for Unity in the Body of Christ and a Fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Many of These prayers are going noticeably unanswered. The value System of the western world continues to deteriorate and instead of the church transforming the world, the world is transforming large portions of the church.
There is a solution to this Madness. We find it Right in the Bible. Priority Number One in Prayer is a Revelation that has the power to change the church and thereby change the world. When the Church is blessed, the world will automatically be blessed. Together we can fulfill the great commission that Jesus gave us but it´s going to require a radical Transformation in our Prayer lives. Priority Number One in Prayer will move us into the Kind of praying that gets God´s Attention and is accompanied by Nation shaking power.

This book is the key to revival. Praying effectively for the body of Christ can change the church and thereby change the world. Nations will be transformed when we pray according to God's guidelines. Priority Number One in Prayer is a revelation based upon the prayer lives of Jesus, the Apostle Paul and the teachings of the New Testament. Supernatural evangelism is the natural by product of following the simple principles contained in this book. Unity in the body of Christ will result when these guidelines are followed.


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