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Word Ministries: Prayers that avail much for Kids

Word Ministries: Prayers that avail much for Kids

Childbook - 48 Pages

14,95 €


Short and Simple Prayers Packed with the Power of God´s Word.

Teach your Children to pray effectively Right from the start. When their prayers are filled with Scriptures, they are praying according to God´s Word and God´s Word is His will!

Based on the original Bestsellers, Prayers That Avail Much, Volume 1 and 2, these prayers are written especially for Children with an easy-to-understand Format that packs a power punch of the Word of God! Learning the Word trough Prayer shows Kids Who God really is and just how much He loves them.

Special Prayers include:

- Loving Others
- Knowing God
- Obeying my Parents
- Peaceful Sleep
- For Others to Know Jesus
- Holy Spirit in Me
- Free From Being Sick
- Plus Many More!

When your Children start to grow and make decisions on their own, they´ll need the power and wisdom of God to see them through. Help them to learn now that their prayers are "prayers that avail much"!


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