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Michael Koulianos

Michael Koulianos

Founder, Jesus Image Church.

Michael Koulianos ist ein internationaler Sprecher und Evangelist mit dem Hauptanliegen, der Welt die rettende und heilende Botschaft von Jesus zu bringen. Michael und seine Frau Jessica haben zudem den Fernsehsender Jesus Image TV gegründet.

Michael Koulianos is the founder of Jesus Image Church in Orlando, FL. Jesus Image Church is focused on the presence of Jesus and seeing a habitation built for His glory. Michael has authored several books, The Jesus Book, Holy Spirit: The One Who Makes Jesus Real, and Healing Presence. Michael and his wife Jessica, steward a burning desire to win cities, nations, and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through their faithful leadership, Jesus Image has seen thousands saved and healed by the mighty power of God. Michael and Jessica reside in Orlando with their three Children.