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Supernatural Truth Productions: Voice of God (DVD)

Supernatural Truth Productions: Voice of God (DVD)

DVD - 2 Discs, Art Thomas / James Loruss

16,81 €

(inkl. 0.00 % MwSt.)




  • DISK 1: God’s Voice TO You – Discover the simplicity of hearing God, learn to grow in accuracy and discernment, and be inspired by a life-changing call to deeper intimacy with Jesus. (66 minutes)
  • DISK 2: God’s Voice THROUGH You – Discover the simplicity of prophetic ministry and words of knowledge, learn to prophesy accurately and effectively, and be challenged by wisdom and best practices from seasoned prophetic ministers who are passionate about purity, integrity, love, and the nature of Jesus. (63 minutes)
  • Voice of God is a one-of-a-kind experience that is sure to become a favorite resource for growing in your relationship with God.

    Voice of God is the second training and equipping “Film Encounter” from Supernatural Truth Productions.  The movie and the products associated with it are designed to inspire, teach, and activate Christians in the lifestyle of hearing God’s voice and responding in faith with powerful results.

    Our desire from the beginning has been to make Voice of God the most practical, accessible, and captivating tool for training believers to hear God’s voice and prophesy effectively.  We want to see Christians everywhere living Spirit-led lives with maturity, humility, and confidence as they listen to and respond to the Lord’s voice.

    Like our first film, we have traveled the world to bring you the best footage from experienced believers.  We’ll show you:

    • miraculous results from people following God’s voice,
    • practical insights from people who have a track-record of hearing accurately from God, and
    • inspiring stories of devotion to the Holy Spirit’s leading.

    We’ve conducted interviews with about 50 people, both known and unknown, including:

  • Bill Hamon
  • Randy Clark
  • Bill Johnson
  • Heidi Baker
  • Steve Thompson
  • R. Loren Sandford
  • Daniel Kolenda
  • Blake Healy
  • Jeremiah Johnson
  • Leif Hetland
  • Scott and Lacey Thompson
  • David Edwards
  • Rusty Rustenbach
  • J.P. Dorsey
  • Jack Taylor
  • Paul Maurer
  • Wayne Benson
  • …and more!
  • When the film was in its final stages of production, we screened it for a few friends. Everyone agreed: The street footage was stunning, the testimonies were powerful, but the teaching was like trying to drink out of a fire hose! There’s so much deep and rich content that there was simply no way to keep your brain engaged the entire time. The unanimous solution was to split the movie into two episodes of about one hour each.


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